Divorce & Separation

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Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage.

To apply for a divorce at least one party must be an Australian citizen, live in Australia and regard Australia as their permanent home or ordinarily live in Australia and have done so for the past 12 months.

Either party may apply for divorce after being separated from their spouse for a period of 12 months. It is possible for separation to have occurred even if the couple are still living in the same residence

Divorce is a separate application and can be initiated before or after a property settlement and/or resolution of arrangements in relation to children. A divorce application is filed in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, with such application capable of being made jointly, or by one party alone.

Our lawyers can assist you to apply for, or respond to, an application for divorce.

We can advise on the legal consequences of a divorce, including time limits that apply after a divorce has taken effect.

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